Thought Leadership

Four Easy Brain Exercises To Try To Increase Your Productivity

While there is a deliberate awareness on the importance of physical wellbeing, the brain as a muscle is often overlooked by most professionals. Considering that most of our jobs demand more cerebral input than physical one, it is of utmost importance to exercise the brain to keep it at its fittest!


Here are 4 simple techniques anyone can follow to flex their brain muscles and boost the treasured productivity:


  1. Playing Puzzles

Jigsaw puzzles are not just for children. Putting the mind to work and refreshing it by doing jigsaw puzzles can provide numerous benefits. Research has proved that jigsaw puzzles help develop cognitive skills, improve short-term memory and are a stress reliever. When solving a jigsaw puzzle, individuals make use of the left and the right side of the brain, enabling a thorough workout for the brain.


Jigsaw puzzles are available in all sizes and can easily be kept in workplaces as well. A portable mini jigsaw puzzle with the theme of iconic paintings such as The Starry Night is available on Amazon.

2. Using The Non-Dominant Hand

One of the simplest suggestions that deliver guaranteed results is using the non-dominant hand for workplace activities such as drinking beverages or taking down simple notes to strengthen neural connections in the brain. This means that overall brain function increases and multitasking abilities grow as well. It further exercises opposite sides of the brain and helps develop the cortex, which is the outermost layer of the brain and is responsible for processing and controlling critical information.

When asked about working out the brain using the non-dominant hand, Dr P. Murali Doraiswamy from Duke University said, “It is like having more cell towers in your brain to send messages along. The more cell towers you have, the fewer missed calls.” The increase in brain connections brings more ideas and innovations. Using your non-dominant hand also increases creativity since the brain is exposed to unusual movements and decisions. This creativity can drive innovation and can create an overall sense of being motivated.

3. Playing Chess

Playing chess is one of the most famous and enjoyable activities to instantly pump the brain. It has been proved that chess increases intelligence and comes in two forms: fluid intelligence (ability to consider new problems and solve them) and processing speed (ability to rapidly understand tasks and respond efficiently). Both these areas of intelligence are especially active in the workplace. Employees can therefore benefit from better and faster problem-solving abilities and an overall reduction in wastage of time. Moreover, chess also improves planning skills as well. These skills translate strongly in the workplace since multitasking and multiple plans have to be made to accommodate all areas of life and succeed at them.


By preplanning and avoiding last minute chaos, employees can relax more and experience an increase in productivity. Facilities to play are available everywhere, from portable mini chess boards on Amazon to virtual chess platforms such as

4. Playing Word Games

Playing any word games have numerous benefits for the brain. English games often have a wide range of variety, from cracking clues and brainteasers to scrabble. These games are often challenging and stimulating, requiring a high amount of concentration from players. Therefore playing word games can increase attention span, help concentrate better and increase speed even during simple tasks such as reading emails. Moreover, the games improve cognitive skills as well. This can help in identifying and solving problems faster and better.


Word games such as scrabble can be played online or can be bought on Amazon. Other virtual problems such as provide games such as hangman, word search and vocabulary tests.

In conclusion, exercising your brain is a fool-proof way to increase productivity in the workplace. Not only does it give short term benefits, by keeping the brain active and fit, the probability of getting clinical anxiety, alzehiemers and burnout reduces as well.