Thought Leadership

3 Tips To Create A Winning SEO Strategy

A good SEO strategy is the star of your digital marketing efforts. According to research, 61% of marketers believe that SEO is the key to online success. However, creating a winning SEO strategy for your business is more than just creating content for the keywords your customers are searching for. This article will explain what an SEO strategy is and how you can create your own to have a thriving digital presence.

  1. Research Good Keywords

Keywords can either make or break your content strategy. Start by researching your target market; what are they currently typing into their search engines? Step inside the shoes of your potential customers; how would you find solutions to your problem? For instance, if you sell organic skincare products, your potential customer is probably concerned about acne or sensitive skin. Maybe her skin is sensitive, so ideally, she would be concerned about the chemicals used in the product. You can then google skincare products for sensitive skin and review the sites that pop up. Looking at the words used in the results will give you a better understanding.


You can also review good keywords using websites like Ubersuggest or SEMrush. Ubersuggest has now come with a new option in the keyword ideas section to view keywords with Page 1 Ranking Potential that can help choose the right keywords.


2. Focus On Good Content

Creating engaging content that will prove invaluable to your target audience is a good starting point. Remember to use keywords in the content you create; however, it is essential not to overstuff your page with keywords to inflate your site’s ranking, which might be detrimental for your site. If the search engines recognize the pattern, they can penalize your site by completely removing your site from their index or lowering the ranking. Good content includes:


a) Website And Blogs

While improving content, focus on adding blogs and improving the content on the website, starting from the home page to the contact us section. Do a thorough review of your website; look for places where you can place keywords. Check if you can reword a sentence to fit in a keyword. For example, on a page about Skin Care Routine, ‘How to create a skincare routine’ could be changed to ‘Try this routine to get flawless skin.’ Also, consider including a keyword phrase by adding a word in front of a keyword. For instance, if you have a sentence about ‘vegan skincare’ and ‘vegan skincare products’ is a keyword for your page, add ‘products’ to ‘vegan skincare.’ Do several review checks before you finalize the content for your page.


b) Title And Meta Tags

It is essential to create interactive titles for your web pages to grab your target market’s attention. If the title doesn’t catch their attention, it is unlikely that they would read the content you carefully drafted below. Always ask yourself how this provides value to your customer and what benefits they can get by viewing your website.


Once you create a good strategy, shorten your title, use strong words, and make it creative. As you start working on headlines, ensure your keyword is in the headline (the H1) and the subhead (the H2). Using the skincare example above, your H1 might be ‘Skin Care Made Easy.’


3.  Improve User Experience

This goes beyond just website content; a good user experience is essential for good SEO rankings. According to Robert Berris, Executive Vice President & Managing Director at Three Five Two, “During the last two years, Google has evolved to place much higher emphasis on sites that deliver quality user experiences across platforms and devices. Though traditional ranking factors are still king, search engine optimization is increasingly becoming user optimization.”


Work with your web developers to ensure that your website is easy to navigate with interactive landing pages. Be sure that each link works and takes your visitors to the next bit of information they are looking for with ease.


Conclusively as Phil Frost, Main Street ROI, said, “Successful SEO is not about tricking Google. It’s about PARTNERING with Google to provide the best search results for Google’s users.”