Winston Churchill once said, “There is at least one thing worse than fighting with allies – And that is to fight without them.” This quote is even more true in the workplace. Bonds formed within workplaces help employees overcome daily challenges, overcome fears, exchange ideas and offer tremendous support. Not only do these allies help each other manage general work crises, but they also go the extra mile to help resolve a problem in personal life if needed. However, many employees find it difficult to form these support systems.
Importance Of Allies
Building alliances and friendships within an organization is critical. Allies can help each other feel comfortable, confident and strengthened. It can further help reduce stress as well. An alliance is also a great way to show employers that an employee is not only capable of performing successfully, but also connecting and communicating effectively. An alliance allows an employee to distinguish themselves and allows them to display characteristics of a strong leader.
Ways To Build Alliances
Explicitly supporting colleagues is an easy way to develop a high-quality connection. Giving credit and praise after an accomplishment publicly expresses respect and enables genuine connection. Especially during online work, verbal support is truly appreciated and is a confirmed conversation starter. It is important to not exaggerate or dramatize, otherwise, a completely adverse effect can be observed. Being genuine is key.
2. Battle Imposter Syndrome
Everyone has had days when they doubt their abilities and think they aren’t good enough. Seize this opportunity by battling their imposter syndrome, list down their accomplishments and tell them why they are the best at what they do. This experience will help put you in a positive light.
3. Offer The Olive Branch To Rivals
Holding onto petty fights and arguments is more often seen as immaturity and arrogance than resilience. Not only is this an opportunity to be noticed as the ‘bigger person,’ it is a chance to foster a friendly environment and make new workplace friends. A conflict also evokes raw emotions and resolving those with maturity can help connect better since employees already know each other, even if in a formerly negative way.
4. Meet People From Other Departments
With online work continuing, many employees have found themselves connecting with colleagues from other departments. Connecting with different employees allows innovative and unconventional thinking and the same goes for the bonds formed. This also increases collaboration and creativity in the organisation. While employees might work in different departments, the personalities can match and an alliance can be formed with a holistic spread as well. Understanding work and culture across departments also makes it easier to connect with colleagues and the organization as a whole.
5. Bond Over Office Politics
Since bonding at the water cooler is no longer an option, you can try bonding with someone over particular people or subjects they should avoid. This small piece of information can greatly help them build their career and in no time you will find yourself with a new office best friend.
While it can be easy to build an alliance, it is important to nurture and maintain it. Engaging, connecting and staying in touch is vital for an alliance to sustain. Spending time within the alliance (Without being cliquey and uninviting to others) is extremely important to develop strong relationships that can eventually supportively help guide one through workplace problems and navigate one’s career path. A healthy alliance needs to be strong and maintained for it to be invaluable.
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