Thought Leadership

Turn Your Stress Into Your Best Asset

Every person experiences stress frequently, and when we take into account a leader or an entrepreneur, that number can double or even triple. How do the top CEO’s in the world function when they have decisions to make every second, plan out-of-the-box strategies and think of new ways to adopt innovative trends to give them an edge over their competitors?

We have narrowed down a few tips from leading psychotherapists that will help you turn your stress into your best asset when used correctly.


1. Label the stress: Good v/s Bad

Research in neuroscience has shown that labelling thoughts help regulate emotion and promote insight during stress and emotional upheaval.


A simple way of doing this would be to identify what type of stress we are experiencing. Is it good, or is it bad? The easiest way to differentiate is our body’s response to stress. Good stress promotes growth in mind, body and spirit and motivates you to chase your dreams. Ups and downs are guaranteed in life, but this stress strengthens us to fight and emerge victorious in all our battles.


The bad stress is when we let go and lose control of our lives. We get demotivated and do not perform to our optimum capabilities. We need to confront and change those beliefs; the simplest way to do this is by autosuggestion, as Napolean Hill suggested. Try using affirmations with statements of short term or long term goals as though they are already achieved. Read it aloud twice a day, before going to bed and when you wake up in the morning with full faith and positive emotions to back your claim to transform it into reality.


2. Take a walk

A study published in 2018 showed that even a short bout of walking of just 10 minutes could improve mood in adults when compared to no activity at all. Researchers also noted that a short bout of meditation had the same effect.


Step away from work, unplug all gadgets and take a walk. Physical activity may help boost the production of your brain’s feel-good neurotransmitters, called endorphins. Although this function is often referred to as a runner’s high, any aerobic activity, such as a rousing game of tennis or a nature hike, can contribute to this same feeling.

It reduces the adverse effects of stress. Exercise can provide immediate stress relief for your body while imitating the effects of stress, such as the flight or fight response, and helping your body and its systems practice working together through those effects.


3. Make time for self-development

“People that look after themselves [and practice self-care] do have better cognitive ability. They do have better focus and they do have better concentration,” Dr Russell Thackeray, a licensed clinical psychologist who consults on the topic of productivity, told Trello.


The best way to overcome stress is by making time for self-development. Every self-development book brushes upon the concept of taking care of the body, mind and spirit. Since we all have busy lives packed with tight schedules and last-minute meetings, the best way to find time for ourselves is by waking up one hour early every day and dedicating that time solely for ourselves.


During the one hour, take time to meditate, pray, express gratitude for all the good things we often fail to acknowledge, journal all thoughts, emotions, say your affirmations with full faith backed by positive emotions, catch up on reading that book that has been lying on your side table and end with a refreshing session of exercise that pumps you for the fantastic day that is laying ahead of you.


In the end, all have is the present, in the words of Oprah Winfrey, American Talk Show Host, “Breathe. Let go. And remind yourself that this very moment is the only one you know you have for sure.”